Monday, February 13, 2012

Only 30 days!!!

Well it's after midnight so It's more like 29 but YAY less than a month until I can (briefly) be in my husbands arms again!!!!! I can't tell you how much this excites me. The fact I have more days behind me than ahead of me, for basic at least, is huge! I am so happy I have had a wonderful support group with my Delta friends who are helping to keep me sane and busy :) I have some wonderful friends here doing the same. I love that the Alsobrook's understand this crazy Army thing and are so close. I know they would do anything that could in a heartbeat if I asked. Oh man and Ashley Pierson. While I have only "met" her through our online support group she has become one of my closest friends. We talk everynight and I know I can be sad to her and whine some and she listens and never judges. She is pretty much awesome and I can't wait to meet her March 13th. She and I will keep each other busy that day before family day, I am sure we will be very anxious. It's only 28 days now til I fly out and 25/26 til I start packing. I like to try to wittle down the days :) I have to say though I really believe this being apart thing has in fact made Jer and I closer. The letters are so amazing that I get from him. Like he can speak from his heart. Maybe things he wouldn't normally say out loud. I am so grateful he writes alot. I love getting near daily letters. Jer has made me feel so incredibly loved. I truly am a lucky woman

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today was my wedding anniversary. It really was bitter sweet without Jer here. I did get a anniversary card from Jer that he made and a letter yesterday that he wrote for our anniversay saying how much he loved me so I know he was thinking of me, not that I doubted it. He is an amazing man and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. He is a great husband and an awesome father, I really couldn't ask for better. He is pretty hot too so that helps ;) I can not wait to see him in 35 days and a wake up. It will be truly magical I think. I was sad today thinking about what we are missing while he is gone but I know it will be worth it and I know he is doing this for us. He wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for our family and that right there is huge. I love you Jeremiah Carter, Happy Anniversary, there will be many, many more!

My dad wrote this on my FB page today and I fell in love:

The Army does not issue a Spouse, they will not fit in a duffle bag, they can't be ordered through supply, nor even in a letter, but they fit in a tiny corner of the heart and travel everywhere with their Soilder. Missed birthdays, anniversaries, childrens plays all lived through the eyes of the spouse. The reason our Army is Strong is because of the strength of the spouse or loved ones left behind.

Awesome weekend

This weekend was one of the best in a long time! Mostly due to Beth Alsobrook! I love that woman!!! Saturday we took the girls to shop for dresses for the daddy/daughter dance. Grandpa is taking Jordan since it's not really possible for Jer to go :) It should be a lot fo fun for her since it's her fisrt school dance and I know she is excited with a new dress and new shoes. The shopping was a total blast and then I took the kids to dinner at the old spaghetti factory and it was super yummy and not to expensive, my favorite kind of dinner lol. Sunday Beth and I got up early and went to the commissary at Hill Air force Base. We shopped at the liquor store (much needed haha) then had lunch at the BX and bought out the commissary lol. Yeah we had 3 1/2 carts and we barely fit in the car, good thing we went without any kids :) We stopped really quick at the mall and were supposed to quickly pick up a shirt I had on hold but somehow, thanks Beth, I got a few more things. It's totally ok though cause I love it all!!!
After we got to our respective houses and put everything away the two families got together at my house for my Dad's chilli and the SUPER BOWL!!!! WAHOO GIANTS! It was such a close game but they won and that's all that matters!!
Monday my mom had taken the day off so we went and did a little more shopping and she let me place fashion show at the dressing room for her. I haven't done that since I was a teenager, it was nice. I got outfits for my entire time with Jer in March, Im going to look pretty :) :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A long time!

Wow I haven't written in so long where do I begin... Well Friday and Saturday last week I got letters from Jer YAY. I hate days when I don't get them. Seems like they only come on Friday, Saturday, and Monday so I have decided the middle of the week sucks. Seem slike he is doing well there. He was worried about his shooting because he did awful on the simulated stuff but rocked it when he got out to the real range. I know he was a stud lol. He sent letters for the girls and one for Nick too. I put that one in my letter box I bought and I am going to save it. I think Nick will appreciate it as he gets older. He loves mail call and all but begs me to keep sending him letters, packages, or cards, whatever really :) Thats good because I send him at least one thing a day. He is loving MRE's (meals ready to eat) which I think is funny cause they look so nasty. My father was in supply for the guard growing up and we used to eat them and liked them but hell, what does a kid know lol. He told me to do some homework and cook a steak, baked potato, and all the fixing and eat it and report back on how yummy it was hahaha. Of course I had to do it, it was my homework. Have to say my dad cooked the steaks perfectly too! So good. Jer was sad because he couldn't buy me an anniversay card at the PX when they went last. DS told him nothing but the stuff they needed. Oh well at least he tried right? It's hard he is away for so many important days.
But another YYYYYYYAAAAAAYYYY he got to call on Sunday, yup for 30 minutes! It was bliss. However let me tell you how short 30 minutes really is. He got to talk to the girls and Nick. Oh man, Nick was so cute, he was squealing and laughing into the phone and kept looking at both sides of the phone trying to find daddy. Poor little squishy. He said his cold/cough is gone but he hurt his leg hiking. Sounds like a pulled muscle so it should be ok, he is so tough. I am incredibly proud of all he is doing for us. I realized something talking to him too, I am truly loved. Now let me explain I knew he loved me, never a doubt, however this is torture for him. He is pushing himself mentally and physically for me and for our children. He loves me so much he is puting himself through hell for a better life. I am blessed!
We had parent/teacher conferences last night. Ugh this is the kind of thing I really need Jeremiah for. I hate doing that kind of stuff alone. Jordan got mostly good reoprts. Big thing was talking in class, yup sounds like a teenage girl to me. She got moved from next to her best friend in science, it was close to becoming a problem so all us parents decided to just fix it before it really was an issue. Myah, oh Myah. What to do with her. She got kicked out of Science class on Tuesday for being to disruptive and not listening. Her grades are not goos and her teachers say she needs to loose her attitude problem. Yup sounds like home to me. I talked to the special education teacher since she has Myah for two classes and we have some ideas we are going to try out. Also Myah is skipping lunch and first off she is to small anyway, has monthly weight checks for loosing weight, and it's just not healthy. So now Dawn the spec. ed. teacher is eating lunch with her and encouring Myah through a food journal and a food critic type thing. Hopefully that helps because her weight is way down. I hate that Jer is not home to help with things like this. Plus I can't even write to him about it because he needs to stay focused. I am doing the work of both parents and it's exhausting.
I am so lucky to have so much support and so many good friends to help, otherwise I would probably be in the looney bin by now lol!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Days like todayI really wish I had contact with Jer. Not to tell him that the day went to shit and so much went wrong Im not really sure what else could have but more just to hear his reassuring voice. His voice can bring a smile to my face no matter what. I miss his postivie attitude and his ability to make it all seem a little better. His nightmare of an ex who I thought was getting better but isn't told me today that I will not be getting the boys. Now I have to go through a bunch of court crap because she is completely unable to follow court orders. I really hope the judge sticks it to her. I watched her for over 2 years now think she can get away with anything and hurt the boys in the process. I love them and she doesn't seem to realize that, or does and that's part of her problem. Now if Jer gets his phone call for phasing up this weekend I have to spend time explaining to him why the boys aren't here. Doesn't she get this hurts everyone? Um nope she doesn't cause you know what she said to me today??!!! this call is really only for Jer anyway the boys could care less!!!! WTH?? That's not true, no way!
The girls, mostly Myah, are doing all they can to drive me nuts! Yes I know normal teenagers but I totally feel ganged up on. Now I know why most of the time there is 2 parents! Myah and Jordan are both failing 4 classes. Now Jordan is failing because of not understanding but Myah is just being lazty not turning in work. She had a report that she said was due on Feb. 20th and then tells me yesterday it's due frida (tomorrow) WTH?? What do I do? Plus Myah refuses to do what she is asked at home and is starting to give that same dumbfounded stare Jordan starting giving last year, must again be a teenage thing lol. Nick is crying for daddy again. He woke up last night and was awake for hours crying for him and pointing to the stairs. I decided to watch video's of him and it seemed to help and he finally settled completely down at 3am!
Today was another day of no letterrs :( It's getting old this week, especially since my POA should be in there and I could really use it right now. I have sent Jer about 20 now so I at least hope he is getting mine. I almost feel forgotten, which I know truly isn't the case but it's so hard. No letters, no calls, no idea of what he has been doing there since the letter dated the 17th. This is my husband, the one I have spent everyday of our relationship with. It just bites! I really wish I had some contact with him. Something saying he was still around and here from me even just in spirit.
So tomorrow Ashley Pierson and I better get letters because we have tried to be as patient as we could but we miss our hubby's and need the Army to throw us a bone. Thank God I have her to talk to about all this and late at night when things get the hardest, it's the hardest for her too and we can help each other! I truly found an awesome friend in all this! Thanks Ashley, I love you!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wahoo Weekend

Today was such a good day. In fact this was a good weekend, which is saying alot considering I didn't get a phone call from Jer. I did however get 3 letters. Three amazingly sweet, perfect letters. Jer really sounds like he is doing well minus missing us and having a cold. He said it's the "boot camp cough" lol guess it's common. I seriously am falling in love with my husband all over again. I am geting those same awesome butterflies in my stomach that I did while we were dating.
 He said he lost his Favorite pen during field training exercises (glad I sent a few more) He said his team found all their points on land nav. but the weather seems super cold. He said he has been showing all of our families pics around the bay and gets teared up :(  I have sent a few more pictures to him and ordered some more I will send out tomorrow.
Jer said they keep getting smoked for dummies steping in the kill zone but now can do 100 push ups without a problem lol. I guess the kill zone is an area in the bay no one is supposed to walk in. He also asked if he was writing to much???!!!! NO!!! He said he has been writing every night and really likes to. He offered to write only once a week or every other day, no ...way! He has done lost his mind lol. I want tons and tons of letters so if he likes writing everyday please, please do!!!
He did the 2 mile run the past week without slowing down which is big for him and passed his lifesaver test with a 97.5%, only missed one. After that they hiked 10K to the NBC (gas) chamber. Jer said they put on their mask, went inside, broke the seal, give their last 4, put it back on and clear it. Then they wait a few minutes take it back off again and recite the soliders creed, which cant be done cause it burns the lungs to much. He said when he got outside he had snot pouring and his eyes were watering haha. Said it only lasted 10 minutes though. Then they had to do the "victory run" through the chamber without their masks on. Then of course the 10K hike back "home" He said basic isnt to bad except missing us of course. He also said he has been able to fly under the radar pretty well so far.
Oh his letter dated the 17th said it was the first day they got mail but he didn't get any, sad cause I have sent a ton. I think total as of yesterday the family has sent 14 letters and a package, so yeah he will get flooded soon. So yup,
There's a little update on Jer.
Oh and to share something a little bit personal, Jer said that when he gets sad missing me he kisses his wedding ring. He asked me if I could could feel it, he hoped so. Funny thing is I do the same thing. It's kind of neat to think we could be doing it at the same time.
Today the girls helped me get some cleaning done, and without really arguing, wahoo! Then we went to Bill and Beth's house for dinner. I got to visit with them for a few hours and the girls got to do girly stuff with their daughter Kimmie. It worked out great. I love talking with them. Beth knows what I am going through basically because she has dealt with Bill and deployments. Although at least I know my husband isnt being shot at. Bill is a great resource and is so honest. I am so lucky to have them as friends. I got to look at cool Army stuff of Bill's and neat things from Iraq. Also a beautiful scrapbook Beth is finishing up for Bill. I think Nick liked hanging out over there too. He got to sit with Bill in his recliner adn play blocks with Beth. He gave tons of smooches and and even gave the doggie a tounge kiss EEWWWW Kind of hilarious too because he didn't like the dogs all that much, he was scared.
Oh and the GIANTS are going to the SUPERBOWL!!!! Yup my team made it and Jer's didn't wahoo!!! So yup good weekend!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thank God it's Friday

This week hasn't been the worst but it certainly hasn't been the best. The kids are so testing my patience, which I have never had much of. Still school, sneaking and lying with Myah but Jordan has done something that I don't even want to say... now it's not end of the world terrible but she took something from someone close to her and I am so incredibly disappointed. I love that girl but I wish I could figure out whats going through her head! She has hust some people very close to her, to us and I just don't know what to do.
I have this week had some phone calls and chats with some other Army/wives and moms that were helpful instead of making me feel worse. Thanks to Ashley for the 3 hour conversation last night lol. I can't wait for Graduation. Susie, who is Conrad's mom and I got to talk today. I love that I can help with questions and they can help me all in the same moment.
Im still waiting on another letter from Jer. I know it's only been two days but I loved getting them everyday in the mail. I felt special. He should have gotten his package and probably 2 of his letters today. I can't wait for the letter back after he gets all of it. It's amazing how much you can miss just one person.
But for an awesome Friday I am going to Tyler Brown's wish decleration tonight at Make A Wish :) Im so excited for him and his family.. they all deserve it. Tyler wants to go on a Mickey cruise and mousekabunga, so stinkin cute!