Friday, January 6, 2012

And he's off

So Monday started the craziness at the Carter household. Jer had to be at the hotel by 6pm. It seemed like the hours went so fast. Seriously I have no idea where that day went. Tuesady he had MEPS (military entrance processing station) from like 6am to 3pm. We were able to visit in the common areas of the hotel so I surprised him with all the kids for dinner. I was shocked Erin (his ex) let me take the boys but it was perfect. He was so surprised and happy! Oh and were the kids happy to have those few extra hours. It was a sad goodbye that night because the next morning Jer got on a plane to South Carolina. Off to Fort Jackson for 10 weeks of basic training then Frot Lee Virginia for 10 more weeks. We have gotten a few short phone calls from a very tired home sick husband/dad in the last few days. however, we all know he is doing this for our family, and we knew it wouldnt be easy. He is tired and working so hard. The kids and I miss him like crazy. The days aren't to bad but after everyone is asleep and its just me in the quiet, I get sad. Its hard to go to bed without him. Today no calls :( I never expected any yesterday so I know I should be grateful but its still hard. I am not used to being without him. I am lucky to have some amazing friends and family to help. Im staying with my parents so that is a huge blessing.My dad is so good with the girls and mom, is well my mom and they are important. Nancy is always there to help and listen at midnight or anytime lol. She is my best friend and  know I can always count on her. Denise has been an air force wife and knows so much. I can always call with a question. Beth and Bill, oh man they have done so much. Bill is the stand in dad for the girls, espceially when they need a dad lecture haha. Beth has been there done that and is great with advice. They are close too, I like that :) bill is who helped Jer get his foot in the door, and for that I will always be grateful. Plus our daughters are friends..... In the end I think we will both be stonger, just this week THE END SEEMS KINDA FAR

1 comment:

  1. Steff, you and Jer are gonna do great! Hang in there and lean in to those who love you. You be proud of what your family and husband are doing. It does get easier. It's just the beginning of this crazy military life for you guys. I love you friend and I'm always here. Much love, Denise
